Soul Powered 

Do you live in perpetual 
unhappiness, despite 
your success, wealth or 

Do you live in perpetual 
unhappiness, despite 
your success, wealth or

Do you want or need a Soul Awakening?

So that you can feel more
Love, Aliveness and genuine Happiness
than you believed possible!

Which is - feeling more 
Love, Aliveness and genuine Happiness 
than you believed possible!

Do you mostly live in perpetual unhappiness?

Or are you pretty happy, but still want to experience a Soul Awakening?

Do you feel guilty about even expressing your unhappiness, because on the surface you have a great life? Do you have anyone to confide in or help you with this?

Do you long to have a deeper spiritual connection with your Soul? What’s known as a ‘Soul Awakening’

What do I mean by ‘perpetual unhappiness’?

What do I mean by ‘perpetual unhappiness’?

It means that you search for genuine Happiness, but it continuously eludes you. You might even feel guilty for expressing your unhappiness, because on the surface you have an amazing life. Maybe you don’t admit it to anyone, even to yourself to a large degree.

It might be difficult to turn to others, because so many people want something from you, or don’t know how to help you. It’s hard to know who to trust. Success, wealth, and fame bring their own unique internal and external problems. Then of course there’s the negative beliefs, trauma, and challenges we all have regardless of our profession.

Isolation and loneliness

Isolation might be a form of ‘prison’ for you. In fact, Steve Harvey said fame is like “a big pretty prison.” Wealth can be similar.

Billie Eilish said, “Basically, you’re miserable half of the time.”

Ethan Hawke said that when they want to punish criminals, they put them in isolation, “and second you become famous, you’re in this weird type of isolation.”

Taylor Swift said, “Sometimes it feels absolutely stifling and overwhelming to be honest.”

My heart truly goes out to you. I find many people suffer from issues that are unique to the successful, wealthy, and famous. Isolation and loneliness can be very depressing.
Isolation might be a form of ‘prison’ for you. In fact, Steve Harvey said fame is like “a big pretty prison.” Wealth can be similar.

Billie Eilish said, “Basically, you’re miserable half of the time.”

Ethan Hawke said that when they want to punish criminals, they put them in isolation, “and second you become famous, you’re in this weird type of isolation.”

Taylor Swift said, “Sometimes it feels absolutely stifling and overwhelming to be honest.”

My heart truly goes out to you. I find many people suffer from issues that are unique to the successful, wealthy, and famous. Isolation and loneliness can be very depressing.
Additional challenges
Do you have problems having deep and meaningful relationships? Do people always want something from you, so that trust becomes an issue? Do people or press hound you if you try to talk a walk, vacation, or do anything ‘normal’? Does your success make you a target for litigation? High pressure can also cause severe stress, which eventually affects your physical and emotional health.

Note: If I work with you, I offer complete confidentiality, secrecy, and privacy for my clients. If desired, I will also sign any NDA you wish. This places me in a unique position to help you in the deepest way.
Guilt and Shame
Another main culprit in perpetual unhappiness, misery, and self-sabotage is buried guilt and shame. Sometimes it’s so buried you’re not aware of it, or to the degree it’s affecting you. It might also make you engage in self-destructive behaviors (past or present) that further the guilt and shame.

Maybe you’ve done things that you regret and are ashamed of. I know guilt and shame personal and up close (see About pg). It’s insidious and wreaks havoc on your life and Happiness. And since you can’t change the past, how do you become free of it? I know how. I can help you heal, forgive yourself, and have a spiritual awakening! Because being disconnected from your Higher Power is the source of most problems.
What is Soul Powered Happiness?
Additional challenges
It’s exactly what it suggests. – Happiness that comes from your Soul. A ‘Soul Awakening’ simply means feeling the Love of your Soul in a way that’s undeniable and life changing. Then living from that space more.

It’s a Love that is probably beyond anything you’ve experienced. It’s also Joy, Peace, Laughter, Abundance, Freedom…and all positive qualities rolled up into an ‘is-ness’ that is cohesive and mind blowing! It’s a genuine Happiness that’s Soul Powered!

Once you experience this, you’ll want to live from this space much more. I teach you how. Fortunately, it’s who you already are. So you don’t have to ‘become’, ‘evolve’ or be worthy of it. You do have to remember, and release what’s in the way of you feeling it any time you want.
Seeing anew
It’s also about seeing things from your Soul’s perspective. Here’s something you might not have considered. Seeing yourself only through ego is fearful, depressing, lonely, isolating, and basically a downright hellish existence.

But seeing yourself through Soul, well, that’s the complete opposite. Happy. Fulfilled. Loved. Peaceful. Alive. And much more!

A Concrete

Let’s say you’re getting ready to go out for the night. You look in the mirror with ego’s eyes. There are probably at least a few things you criticize about yourself, and/or you’d like to change about yourself.

Now, let’s say you switch to seeing yourself in the mirror through Soul’s eyes. You see perfection, Love, Wisdom, and all positive qualities. You’re looking at the same image, but with a totally different lens.

That means if you’re successful, wealthy and/or famous, you don’t have to change that. You need to learn how to switch from seeing with ego, to seeing and feeling with your Soul. You also need to release trauma and false negative beliefs that stand in the way of this.

Help on the way

It is very challenging to do this on your own. You would have by now, right? It’s also because having a Soul Awakening isn’t exactly available at a local shop. Getting help takes strength, wisdom, and resolve. When you get to the point where you say, ‘screw this, enough is enough!’ a decision is crucial. Without it, you go day after day, week after week, year after year, without experiencing real Happiness. I know it’s kind of morbid, but we really don’t know when our last day here will be. Today is a new day. You don’t have to wait for your genuine Happiness any longer.

You’re probably very busy. Most fortunately, the healing and Soul Awakening sessions we’ll have are short and concise. The techniques I’ll teach you are simple and easy to use. You can use them anywhere, anytime, in a matter of seconds. I fit into your schedule as much as I can.

Because your Soul is very powerful, results can happen quickly. It can counter years of negative beliefs, habits, and trauma. Imagine feeling a Love and Aliveness like no other! Being Happy ‘just because’. Imagine feeling Loved, cherished and respected within yourself. Finally feeling Happy, fulfilled and genuinely grateful for your life. I can save you a lot of time, money, and effort. Money can buy Happiness, if you know where to invest. Invest in your Soul!

It’s Soulgasm time baby!

Once you feel your Soul and experience a ‘Soulgasm’, something shifts deep within you. Your Soul Awakening of Love, Aliveness, Joy, Abundance, and Freedom that can’t be put into words…so I’ve done the best I can. I want to help you experience this with all my heart. It is my purpose.

When you work with me, you will realize how amazing you can feel, how deeply you can heal, and who you really are in the most awesome way! It gives your life meaning, depth and power. Everything changes from that point on!

I can’t describe the taste of a mango if you’ve never had one. But one taste, and you instantly know. That’s how it is with experiencing your Soul Awakening, your Soul’s Love! That’s what I help you experience! And how to live from that space much more of the time.

It’s Soulgasm time baby!

"David’s work opened me up to a higher level of Love within me."

“I had lost a lot of my passion for my work. During one of our phone session, David had me use one of his techniques. I suddenly felt a surge of Love course through me, even to the point of feeling physical tingles in my body! David’s work opened me up to a higher level of Love within me that I’d forgotten about. Friends actually asked me what I was doing, exclaiming, “I want some of what you have!” Thank you David for doing what you do.”

Vernice “Flygirl” Armour
Author, Speaker, Business Coach
Stafford, VA

"David’s work opened me up to a higher level of Love within me."

"Thank you for contributing to my success David!"

"Thank you for contributing to my success David!"

"Before working with David, I was depressed about financial struggles and a shoulder injury. I was pleasantly surprised that after working with him, my financial situation began improving, doing a 180 degree shift, and still continues 3 years later! (my shoulder is better too!) Thank you for contributing to my success David!”

Nathen Banne,
Certified Financial Advisor, 
San Francisco, CA

"Absolutely Life Changing!"

"I’ve done a life time of searching, guru’s, spiritual paths, everything…this was the only thing that has permanently released the guilt. Whatever you tried before, this is something different. This method truly delivers. ABSOLUTELY LIFE CHANGING!! This way works… and I’ve tried a ton of them!!"

Christina Colangelo
Mom, Musician and Songwriter
Willits, CA

"Absolutely Life Changing!"

Imagine Enjoying Your 
Life Much More!

Imagine your well of Happiness coming from deep within you, as your outer life begins to reflect that more and more. That’s because you have changed the film in the projector. What shows up on the ‘screen’ of your life intrinsically changes as well. Your life will have much deeper meaning, juiciness, richness, and experiences that are beyond what you might be aware of. This is your birthright.

Here’s What I Do 
With You

Facilitate your Soul Awakening – when you feel your
Soul’s immense Love for the first time in a big way
Release what keeps you from feeling your Soul’s Love
(and teach you how to do it on your own)
Feel your life’s deepest spiritual meaning
Discover your Soul’s purpose for this lifetime
Deepen and strengthen your spiritual connection so that you can
feel your Soul’s Love anytime you want

You can be Happy!

Genuine Happiness can be yours. Everything in this world changes. How can one possibly find security, stability, or faith in a such a shifting world? With your Soul Power, that’s how! However you do it, I highly encourage you begin now.

Imagine feeling a Soulgasm any
time you want!

What if you could feel your Soul Powered Happiness basically anytime and anywhere by using an internal cue that takes literally seconds to activate? I’m a spiritual healing guide who empowers you in succeeding to be Happy, Passionate, and Alive in a mind-blowing way!

About David

When I was 18 years old, a horrible car accident introduced me to hell. My 3-year-old cousin, Christian, was like a son to me. He had just fallen asleep in the VW van seat next to me. We lived in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I was on my way to pay the workers in my aunt’s rug weaving business.

He wasn’t even supposed to be with me, but there was mix up with the nanny. I had a black out for a few seconds and hit a tree head on. Nobody could believe I was alive, let alone not severely mangled. Christian survived too …but in a coma for one week, then passed.

The guilt was overwhelming. The pain intense. It was a freakish unexplainable black out. Another aspect of the nightmare was right before the accident. I was thinking to myself, “Wow, I’m learning how to run a business, learning Spanish, right after high school…life is going pretty good!”

Then wham, something terrible happened. It imprinted on me that if life is good, something bad will happen. Happiness equaled tragedy. For the next 27 years of my life, up until January 2012, I engaged is self-destructive behaviors.

At the same time, I was very spiritual. When I was around 19 years old, an obsessive passion came over me, and has been the strongest driving force in my life ever since – To live much more as my Higher Self/Soul. Then in October 1997, I had a spiritual awakening in Santa Cruz, CA. My Higher Self came to me in my mind, surfing the starry sky on a lit-up surfboard. Cosmic white light sprayed as he carved waves through space.
The Love I felt was astounding, all encompassing, and immense. I also felt a blend of Joy, Fun, Laughter, Prosperity, Happiness and Freedom all rolled into one cohesive overall feeling. The ‘isness’ of it was constant, absolute…something that could be counted on for eternity.

It was beyond words. My Soul informed ‘me’ that my passion to live like this more was real! And that this is my Highest Purpose.

Today I am grateful and honored to help people experience their own Spiritual Awakening. And to help you live from that space much more of the time.
Because to feel your Love, Power, and True Happiness from your Soul…is life changing in so many ways.

It is what I am born to do. Along with that, Healing power naturally comes through me. I’ve also learned other techniques that in include True Forgiveness, Reiki, Quantum-Touch (energy healing modalities), Hypnotherapy, Voice Dialogue, Akashic Records, Shamanic Journeying, Channeling, and Divination Card reading.

I live in San Francisco with my beloved wife, an amazing son and daughter, two cool cats, and one awesome dog. I am blessed to be three blocks from the ocean and walk to surf and play at amazing Ocean Beach.

Warmest Love and Light to you,


Contact David
david at

Investing in your Soul

You know it takes strength to ask for help, and wisdom to invest in that help. You already know it’s you you’re investing in. Maybe now you realize you can invest in your Soul! You hold the Power.

For real change to take place, a minimum of 3 months is required to work with me one on one. I also offer 6 month and 1-year intensives. The first step is to schedule a call below to discover if we’re a good fit to work together.

Warmest Love and Light to you.

Schedule a Call
David Cogan Holt
Serving the world from San Francisco, CA, USA
415-900-8669 | david at
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